Monday, December 31, 2007

Top 10 pics/videos you took or from someone else's camera

10. i just find this pic very funny

i love how they are all so serious

8. this was so fun: 20 people on a trampoline

7. memories...

6. this pic explains itself:

5. my hero

this is attractive

one of my favorite pics :)

one of the best nights of my life

and last but not least!! this is probably the best pic/video of 2007

Ah 2007, it's been an AWESOME year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

To Jen:

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong
Oh, you are the music in me

Yeah it's living in all of us
And it's brought us here because
Because you are the music in me

Na na na na oh
Na na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah (Na na na na)
You are the music in me

man, i wish i wrote that.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

That's right.

i may suck at guitar hero, but i can own u any day on drums for Rock Band. it is the best game!! its just like guitar hero but u can make bands and stuff with like a singer, a drummer, a guitar, and bass!!!

(it is my favorite Christmas present)

(i stayed up until like 11:30 playing it last night)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Just a little something... dad and i put together over the past few weeks:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dear Safari,

as u know, i have been using u as my internet browser ever since i got my iMac. well, things have changed and u just arent working very well for me so i think its better if we see other people, and just move on. i am gonna change browsers and use Firefox from now on. i hope u arent hurt by this, but thats just how its gonna be. thanks for your understanding,

Now using Firefox,

Thursday, December 20, 2007


so i had All-Star soccer practice tonight. i get there and it was kinda cold and stuff but not to bad but then about half way through, it just starts POURING!! ah so we are playing in the pouring rain, and it was pretty cold!! so we were all soaked! so the car ride home, i was very damp and i was shivering brrrrrrrrr. i know, i am very pitiful. please dont make fun.

For all of you who speak any Spanish:

we watched this video in my Spanish class yesterday. hahaha its really funny. he basically just says all of the easy Spanish words and puts them all together into a song. just watch it

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

wildside band christmas party

so tonight was the wildside band party. it was soo much fun!! i think that the meal was one of the best parts! we had to eat chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and for dessert, bananas with chocolate on top all with our hands! mmm delicious! then , we tried to get virus to do the Santa Baby dance but he wouldnt do it :( oh well. virus if u are reading this, i would really like to see u do the dance!! the last thing that we did was ask all of the new band people some awkward questions. bahahahaha it was so great

p.s. thanks so much for the present jen! :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

church is so great.

what's a partridge?
and what's a pear tree?
well i don't know so please don't ask me
but i can bet those are terrible gifts to get.


i don't care what your mama says,
Christmas time is near
i don't care what you daddy says
Christmas is full if cheer...

Friday, December 14, 2007

awesome day in science!!

so today in science, me and my whole class got to make silly putty!!! it is the coolest thing ever!! i cant top playing with it!! it brings back childhood memories haha. the only downside is that i think i put in too much water or something so it is all damp and it turns my hands green hahaha.

(as you can see, i am having so much fun with it!!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

this is a first

so for all of my past Christmas's, i have gone to a tree lot and picked out a real tree with my family. this year, we picked ours out at STATS. ya thats right. we got a fake tree for the first time. its pretty different then a real tree cause u dont have to water it, or worry about it catching on fire! so the reason i put this little poll on the side was to see what other people had cause i was curious. its pretty cool cause now we can keep this tree forever instead of 2 or 3 weeks!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


to all of the bloggers who have myspaces and dont keep up with their blogs!!! boooooooooooooooo

hooray for us bloggers who blog frequently!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

choir weekend in the big church

well this weekend was choir weekend in big church with Rick Muchow. it was pretty fun. the songs were.... different haha. anyway, we hung out at wildside for a little bit, and saw poncho get baptized!! horray poncho!! then on sunday (today) we were supposed to get to church at 7:30. well i must say that i dont think anyone came at 7:30 hahaha. i got there at 8:30 and some people got there even later! then after the 2 services, we all went to lunch at Red Robbin. but when we got there, the wait was long so some of us played Sport Chalet Tag. it was pretty funny. then we ate and me, bryce, jen, and christine had the Chick-Chick-Chicken Fingers and some hot french fires with our awesome waiter. i forgot his name but it was awesome hahaha. i wished we could have played Target Tag :( then i went to bryces house and jumped on the trampoline. (your dog is soooo cool haha) so as u can tell by this post if u actually read the whole thing, i had a pretty busy weekend!

btw, like the Christmas colors!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Operation Christmas Child & AIDS Awareness

well on wednesday, me and my cgroup went to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse up in tustin for a "field trip" we were going to help out on this HUGE assembly line. it was a HUGE place!! did i mention how HUGE it was!!! haha. basically what we did was we got in the assembly line and went through boxes and checked to see if there was anything inappropriate or something that could spill...etc. and then tape the boxes up. it was amazing to see all of the gifts some of the people gave for these unfortunate children! wow. it feels so cool to know that i was able to touch and pray over some of these presents that will be going to kids all around the world!!!

the power
of a simple gift

on another note;
if you guys have read >zach's post< about giving and saving up money for the AIDS people, i am also encouraging you to do this too! i am currently filing up my vitamin watter bottle with change and some bills and i am really making some progress! just like zach, i am donating all of my christmas money and i am encouraging you to do the same! (or maybe some of it) after seeing the videos and the awareness stuff about this, i want to do my part, and you should do yours :)

think about it.
pray about it.
take the challenge.
lets help.

Monday, December 3, 2007


so as i had said in my previous post, i was in the championship soccer game yesterday. (for AYSO) i was pretty determined that we were gonna win because we are pretty good! well.... we didnt. we got owned 7-0. which means 2nd place; not 1st :( i was pretty mad yesterday. ugh. so at church, i would rather not talk about it. thanks :)

but on the bright side, i am on the Laguna Niguel All-Star Team!!! yayy!! now this team, is gonna own.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Flour Baby Project

well because im in 8th grade now, i have to do the famous flour baby project. i am expecting my child on Thursday (which is when i get my sack of flour) and i have to take care of it until the next monday. thank goodness i get to pick the gender so i picked a boy. now im not quite sure what to name him (first and middle name) so i wanted to ask my fellow bloggers! so in the comments, just post suggestions for his FIRST AND MIDDLE NAME (which has to be real and serious), because his last name is gonna be my last name of course haha. thanks!

*oh and btw, sorry everyone that i couldnt make it to the AIDS Summit! i had a semi-final soccer game (in which we won!!) so tomorrow im going to the finals!! see you all at church tonight!