Tuesday, July 29, 2008

5.8...that's pretty great!

Ok lame title, sorry. But anywho, we here in southern Cali experienced a rude awakening this morning at 11:42...A HUGE earthquake!! It was a 5.8! Holy crap!! I was just sitting in my room quietly reading a book and then BOOM! My entire house started shaking like crazy! It was the freakiest thing!! That was the largest earthquake i have ever experienced!

How did you react to the earthquake?


Ryan said...

i didn't even feel it

Unknown said...

ya crazy, but sorry my friend they double checked the seismic thingy and it was actually a 5.4 which is still huge

Jaclyn Parker said...

yeah your right kyle

Anonymous said...

I ran outside HAHA

elise! said...

i was in new york, so no earthquake for me!

but when i was not even one there was such a bad earthquake that i fell out of my crib or something and all the food fell out of the cabinets and knocked out my grandma...

Doughboy said...

Everyone is over exaggerating about this earthquake. There were no casualties, the news just needed something to keep people mind's off stuff that is really dangerous and life threatening, so they do a news report for 3 hours about nothing that was big and serious.