Saturday, July 26, 2008

a couple thoughts on my saturday...

thought numero uno:
i really, really love the song The Grateful. It is now my favorite song. The words for some reason are amazing to me!

We are the grateful,
sing of your love, sing of your mercy
we are the grateful, the grateful ones

We are the grateful
sing of your power, sing of your kindness,
we are the grateful, the grateful ones
the grateful ones

thought numero dos:
i am going to make a challenge to myself. This challenge is for me to meet new people at service who either seem lonely, new to church, or i have just ever seen them before. The reason I am going to do this is because this happened to me tonight. After everyone was gone or just leaving the Refinery, i was still waiting for my parents. So i was sitting up on a rock by myself. Then, a couple of older kids were walking by me probably leaving. They decided to stop by me and say hello and introduce themselves (i only knew one of them, kinda) and ask me who i was and just start a mini conversation. (they had no idea who i was) This made my night actually. To know that even kids like this who don't even know me would take the time to walk up and talk to a complete stranger just opened my eyes. I mean if i liked it so much, just think how someone who has NEVER been to the church feel. (AMAZING) So, i am challenging myself every week to say hello to an unfamiliar face and learn their name, and hopefully remember it and see them the next weekend.

I challenge you to do the same (if you don't already)



kayla rae said...

Hooray, this is such a great thing!

Anonymous said...

I'm super glad your doing this.
way to step out of your comfort zone.